Are you staying relevant for your mobile customers?
The wireless market is undergoing fundamental changes. ARPUs (Average Revenue Per User) are declining, and market penetration is nearing its
saturation point. In the coming years, the key challenge for mobile operators trying to increase revenues, is to keep their business relevant, and retain existing customers.

Prepaid charging: the popular way to go mobile. The increasing Prepaid trend that is offsetting the slow Postpaid market growth, has prompted several leading mobile carriers to look at Prepaid charging
as a potential source for growing their revenues. A growing trend in South America, Prepaid is also very popular in Russia and in Africa – where over 96% of the total mobile African market are Prepaid subscribers.

Smart billing: the secret ingredient for keeping Prepaid subscribers loyal
To stay relevant and meet market needs, it is essential to have a sophisticated, agile billing system that will enable operators to provide innovative solutions; respond effectively and rapidly to market needs; and offer customers attractive plans.

BillRun® Prepaid, utilizing a sophisticated rule-driven online-charging engine, calculates complex data usage, and processes online transactions at the rate of thousands of requests per second. Based on a linearly-scalable, robust, open-source architecture, this fully elastic functionality-rich system can run on virtual servers, adjusting dynamically to peak times.