“I predict we will be witnessing two major trends in the coming year: The first, is that of large CSPs (communications service providers) who will begin to replace their costly, cumbersome billing solutions they've been using in the last two decades.


These old systems can no longer handle rapid changes, which include the embracing of new products, services and technologies introduced to the market, such as LTE, 5G, IoT, and LoRa (Low-Range)”, says Koby Lif, Head of Sales and Marketing at BillRun. “Implementing these changes in old billing systems is becoming increasingly complex, resulting in millions of dollars spent on billing systems that lack the sufficient speed and agility”, added Lif.

The second major trend Lif foresees in the coming year is cloud billing.


“In early 2016 I joined the BillRun team, which was my first startup experience, unlike the corporate-type of companies where I had worked in the past”, reminisces Koby Lif, Head of Sales and Marketing at BillRun.

“It was most inspiring for me to see how this dedicated team of young professionals were driven by their desire to disrupt an entire industry dominated by large players. This impressive team managed to persuade a few large telco companies to replace their conventional systems with a new, agile solution”, said Lif.

“In 2016 we packaged many of BillRun's features, adding significant capabilities, such as OCS (Online-charging system), shared offers and others, adapting the product to cloud technology, with a completely new UI and UX”, Lif explained. 

What’s in store for us in 2017?

“I predict we will be witnessing two major trends in the coming year: The first, is that of large CSPs (communications service providers) who will begin to replace their costly, cumbersome billing solutions they've been using in the last two decades. These old systems can no longer handle rapid changes, which include the embracing of new products, services and technologies introduced to the market, such as LTE, 5G, IoT, and LoRa (Low-Range)”, Lif said. “Implementing these changes in old billing systems is becoming increasingly complex, resulting in millions of dollars spent on billing systems that lack the sufficient speed and agility”, added Lif.

BillRun offers a unique opportunity in this field. Lif believes that courageous management who will be prepared to step up to the opportunity of replacing their BSS platform with BillRun’s state-of-the-art system, which will free up many resources. “This will enable management to focus its attention on other critical matters, such as positioning their companies in the IoT sphere; handling the OTT competition; and upgrading network infrastructure”, he said.

Cloud billing

The second major trend Lif foresees in the coming year is cloud billing. According to market research firm Marketsandmarkets* “the cloud billing market is expected to grow from 5.68B USD in 2016 to 16.59B USD by 2021, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.9% during the forecast period. High demand for billing operations, centralized and convergent billing solutions, and the need to lower capital and operating expenditure are driving the market.”

Lif adds that “the convergence of cloud computing with big data, open source and agile technologies has enabled vast billing capabilities – previously unreachable for small businesses – which are now accessible from any desktop.”

BillRun’s easy-to-use cloud-based billing solution provides an intuitive UX, utilizing BillRun’s robust billing engine, already in use by CSPs. “This is the only billing system which supports hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and is affordable not only for large enterprises, but also for startups and SMBs. BillRun is beneficial for VoIP and IoT providers, MVNOs, and any other type of business requiring a flexible, easy-to-use billing solution”, Lif said. “I expect 2017 to be an exciting year for both the telecom and IT industries, and for BillRun as well ”, said Lif. 

* http://www.marketsandmarkets.com/PressReleases/cloud-billing.asp