Tel Aviv - August 27, 2014, S.D.O.C. Ltd., the home of BillRun, is proud to announce that BillRun, the open source billing for enterprise, reached this month to 3 millions invoices, after 8 months. 

In those 8 months BillRun has processed and rated more than 8 billion records for hundreds of thousands of subscribers. The peak it had on overload succeeded to achieve insert rate of 5,000 rows per second.

"We already know data is getting bigger rapidly. Along with the need for superb performance and lowering costs, I believe that choosing open source today is the ONLY way for organizations to successfully deal with tomorrow's challenges. BillRun is bullet proof for this!", said Ofer Cohen, S.D.O.C. CEO. "The technologies that BillRun lives on is perfect for big-data billing. On one hand we have MongoDB the most used nosql db that enable us scale in click of a button, and on the other hand we have PHP-YAF, the fastest PHP framework that give us easy to extend and add features, and deploy new versions rapidly."

About S.D.O.C. Ltd.

Israeli key-factor leader for open source enterprise products in various fields such as telecom, finance, online advertising and more. The company have lean and mean branches to get the best solutions in the fastest time-to-market, with sophisticated R&D experts and developers. The non-vendor-lock solutions give the maximum freedom for customers around the globe.